Following on from my last post (“The Under-Regulation Reset” – Part 1), something else that people who are in the habit of under-regulating their behaviour tend to struggle
Something I’ve learned as a therapist is that people keep a heck of a lot of their best qualities hidden inside rather than expressing those qualities so other
Lots of people don’t do things they’d like to do for fear of rejection and the corresponding disappointment. If this is you, then you can break this pattern
You can try this even if you’ve never been to therapy… I typically give this tip to clients when they move from weekly appointments* to less frequent appointments:
One psychological model of self control is that it’s like a “mental muscle”. According to the model, self control – is “a limited resource” that gets depleted and
Here’s another technique to change avoidant emotion and behaviour patterns when logical thinking strategies aren’t enough. I’ll use a similar avoidant coping example to the one I used
Avoidant coping is about trying to avoid experiencing painful thoughts, feelings, memories, or sensations. Here are two types you should try to learn to recognize in yourself. Type