Our brains tend to use our current emotions and thoughts to predict our future emotions and thoughts. Example “I feel overwhelmed and unable to cope now” Your brain’s
“Worst, Best, Most Realistic” is one of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques I often practice with clients. This Cognitive Behavioral Therapy technique is very versatile and simple. It
Smart phones are making it easier and more fun to do things that are likely to benefit your happiness and psychological wellbeing. Here’s an example. For the past
A common problem is that thoughts that have some validity in some contexts become overgeneralized and cause problems in other contexts. Huh? Examples coming up… You can help
Example Ari is 22. Sometime in his growing up, he developed the idea that he is “unlikeable”. Here are 3 coping strategies Ari might use for coping with
Ever hear the joke about how students’ rooms are cleanest when they’re supposed to be studying for exams?(because all of a sudden cleaning becomes appealing when compared to
Example: I’m going to give a relatively specific example and then explain a much broader general principle. Someone asks you to do something that you think is a